Should You Manage Your Vacation Rental Yourself or Hire a Professional?

Owning a vacation rental is an exciting venture, but one of the biggest decisions you’ll face is handling everything yourself or bringing in a professional property manager. Both options have pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your goals, time availability, and experience. Not everyone should hire a vacation rental manager, I speak to vacation rental owners on the North Shore all the time who are not a good fit for management. Let’s explore some key factors that can help you determine the best approach for your property.

How Much Time do you have to commit to this?

Managing a vacation rental involves more than simply posting your property online. You’ll need to be available to:

  • Answer guest inquiries promptly.

  • Coordinate cleaning, repairs, and maintenance.

  • Monitor your booking calendar and optimize rates.

  • Handle any issues or emergencies that arise, sometimes at inconvenient times.

  • Market and optimize pricing across multiple platforms like Airbnb, VRBO,, and HomeAway.

If you have plenty of time and enjoy being hands-on, managing your property yourself might be manageable. But many owners find that the demands quickly add up, especially when juggling other commitments. A professional manager takes these tasks off your plate, allowing you to focus on other priorities while still generating income from your property. A good manager will also do many of these things better than you will.

Do You Have Industry Knowledge?

Vacation rental management is more than just hosting; it’s running a business. Professional managers bring years of industry expertise, including:

  • Effective Marketing: Pros know how to showcase your property to stand out on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, how to set up profiles, and how to ensure that the SEO of the profile is optimized constantly.

  • Smart Pricing Strategies: Data-driven tools to adjust your rates based on current market conditions like demand, occupancy rates, and pick-up rates; maximizing both bookings and revenue is extremely important; if you are not using these tools or are using them incorrectly it is easy to be under priced when the market is hot and over priced during the off-season and shoulder season.

  • Local Regulations an MA occupancy tax payments: Short-term rentals often come with specific rules and taxes. A manager can ensure you stay compliant and avoid fines. On top of this a manager will make sure all your MA taxes are paid each month.

If you’re confident in your ability to handle these aspects, managing on your own might work. But if you’re new to the industry or lack the time to stay updated on best practices, hiring a professional can lead to better results.

Are You Maximizing Your Revenue Potential?

It’s natural to think that managing your rental yourself saves you money by avoiding management fees. However, professional managers often increase revenue enough to more than offset their costs. They do this by:

  • Boosting occupancy rates with effective marketing.

  • Using advanced pricing tools to capture peak demand.

  • Delivering a higher level of guest service that results in better reviews and more repeat bookings.

In many cases, these benefits lead to more income than you’d make alone, even after management fees. If maximizing profits is your goal, bringing in a professional can be a smart investment. At Wilkuma, we frequently take on new properties that were not professionally managed, increasing the year-one revenue by over 25%. This is because of our pricing and marketing strategy, which most self-managers do not employ.

Are You Prepared to Be On-Call 24/7?

Guests today expect fast responses and personalized service. As the DIY manager, you’re responsible for answering late-night messages, dealing with unexpected maintenance issues, and ensuring every guest has a smooth experience. If you enjoy providing this level of service, self-managing can be rewarding. However, if the idea of being on-call 24/7 is stressful, a property manager can step in to handle these responsibilities, ensuring guests receive top-notch service while you maintain peace of mind.

Do You Plan to Grow Your Rental Portfolio?

If you’re considering expanding and adding more properties, managing them yourself can quickly become overwhelming. Professional managers are equipped to scale, offering consistent service across multiple properties without adding to your workload. This allows you to focus on growth without getting bogged down in day-to-day operations.

Is This Work Enjoyable for You?

For some property owners, managing a vacation rental is a passion project. They love engaging with guests, fine-tuning listings, and taking care of their property. If that sounds like you, self-managing could be a fulfilling experience. On the other hand, outsourcing to a professional can bring significant relief if it feels more like a burden or something you’d rather not deal with. Some owners like to be hands-on, some just want to use their second home a few times per year and outsource the rental portion of their ownership - for these people, professional vacation rental management is an excellent service to pursue.

Conclusion: Which Approach Fits Your Needs Best?

Choosing between self-management and hiring a professional manager ultimately depends on your goals, time, and level of experience. If you enjoy the work and want full control, managing your property yourself can be a great option. But a professional manager might be the better path if you aim to maximize income, save time, and ensure guests have an exceptional experience. Call Wilkuma to chat more about what our management services look like.

At Wilkuma, we’re here to help property owners like you achieve success with tailored vacation rental management solutions. Whether you’re just exploring your options or ready to take the next step, we’d love to chat and offer guidance. Reach out for a free consultation and let’s see how we can help you get the most from your rental property.


Maximizing Your Vacation Rental Investment on the North Shore: A Success Story