Maximizing Your Vacation Rental Investment on the North Shore: A Success Story

Owning a vacation rental property on the North Shore, particularly in scenic areas like Gloucester, Manchester by the Sea, and Rockport, can be a great personal and financial investment. The key to unlocking your property's full potential often lies in professional management. At Wilkuma Vacation Rental Management, we specialize in helping property owners maximize their returns while ensuring their guests experience the unique charm of the North Shore. Here’s a story of how we helped one couple turn their dream into a profitable reality.

The Challenge: Finding the Right Investment Property

Our clients wanted a second home that could double as a vacation rental. With years of experience in the vacation rental market, they sought our expertise to find, purchase, and manage a property that would serve as both a personal retreat and a reliable income-producing asset.

The Process: From Purchase to Profit

Home Purchase

When we work with a client purchasing a property, we work closely with them to identify their goals and criteria to confirm that it is realistic and that we can find a property that will fit their criteria while also being a good vacation rental. After evaluating several options across Massachusetts, we found a home ideal for their needs and with significant rental potential. We negotiated a favorable purchase price and facilitated a smooth transaction, even coordinating a 60-day closing while our clients were out of the country.

Renovations to Make the Property Great Rental

Once the home was purchased, we guided the owners through a few strategic renovations to enhance the property’s appeal to guests while ensuring we were spending the allotted budget as effectively as possible. Updates included painting specific rooms, upgrading kitchen appliances, installing a new backsplash, furnishing the home, and staging it to create an inviting atmosphere. These improvements were carefully selected to maximize guest satisfaction and optimize booking revenue.

Professional Management and Dynamic Pricing

With the property ready for guests, we implemented a dynamic pricing strategy to optimize revenue based on local events, occupancy trends, and competitive analysis. We listed the home on multiple booking platforms, including Airbnb, VRBO,, and our own direct booking site. Our Superhost status on Airbnb increased, attracting more bookings and positive reviews.

The Results: Consistent Bookings and Strong Returns

Since listing the property in early 2020, the owners have seen a remarkable 85% average utilization rate and a 19.31% annual cash-on-cash return. This translates to a gross booking revenue of $135-155k annually. After accounting for expenses, including mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and our management fee, the owners enjoy a healthy net income of $40-60k each year.

Why Choose Wilkuma for Your North Shore Vacation Rental Property?

Our success with this property is not unique. Wilkuma’s comprehensive management services ensure that your vacation rental remains competitive, well-maintained, and profitable. Whether you own a home in Gloucester, Manchester by the Sea, or Rockport, our team is here to help you achieve similar success.

By partnering with Wilkuma, you can enjoy the benefits of owning a vacation rental without the stress of managing the day-to-day operations. We take care of everything—from initial renovations and market positioning to guest communications and ongoing maintenance—allowing you to focus on what matters most: enjoying your investment.

If this story interests you, please reach out for a PDF of the entire case study.

Ready to Maximize Your Vacation Rental?

If you’re considering renting out your North Shore home or need expert management services to enhance your existing rental property, Wilkuma is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can turn your property into a top-performing vacation rental.


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Maximizing your property potential During the Shoulder and Off-Seasons: Strategies for North Shore Vacation Rental homes